
5 steps to a great flyer

Want to make a flyer that really dazzles and inspires potential customers?

Having worked with clients on many flyer design projects we have discovered best practises which most small business owners fail to consider when deciding to order a run of flyerss. Here are our 9 tips for creating flyers that convert.


>> 1. Make It Irresistible

Why exactly do you need a brochure? What are you trying to achieve? With the amount of flyers that daily end up in recycling bins all over Australia you only get a brief moment with a potential customer before they decide yours will end up there also. Try to come up with an irresistible offer and make sure the benefits can be understood within a few seconds. That could be the difference between your flyer going in the bin or making it to the coffee table.

>> 2. Know Your Target Audience

Who is going to benefit most from the offer on your flyer? Is it housewives, fitness enthusiasts, small business owners? Your target audience will determine the look and feel of your flyer. If you are targeting multiple audiences consider making multiple flyers rather than attempting to put together a design that encompasses everything.

If You Say It All You Say Nothing At All

I know your business has an interesting story to tell, the founders bring credibility and you want everyone to know you can create completely customised work. However not all this information needs to be in your flyer. Remember you only have about a second to grab someone’s attention so make sure your offer is front and centre. If they really want to know more about you and your company they can look it up.

Limit Your Font Optionstoo-many-fonts

When designing flyers newcomers tend to think they need to use a font no-one has seen or heard of before. However, simple is often best and using tried and true font combinations will make sure your flyer looks great. Stuck for ideas? Why not try one of these font combinations.

Get The Copy Right

We are making an irresistible offer, right? Well, does the flyer copy reflect that? Getting the copy right is one of the most overlooked elements of a flyer. Everyone focuses on the design and colour, but great flyers that bring about sales feature great copy. Here are 10 steps to creating great copywriting from copyblogger.


Setting up a flyer run can be time consuming and expensive depending on how you distribute the flyers. Make sure you get the first part right and have a flyer worth sending out.

If you need help designing your next flyer contact us at Print Depot. We have professional designers and copywriters on staff ready and waiting to help.

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